Saturday, December 5, 2009


So from the looks of things my last post was in June. so I will be doing some catch up here. Its almost Christmas and we've got our tree up and our house decorated except for on side of the door outside. Jason bought some lights to go outside and the blue ones weren't quite long enough to get the window and the door, so we went to walmart and bought another blue strand. When Jason had them all put up he then pluged in the lights to see that the one we had just barely bought at Walmart didn't work. So we took them back and are going to buy the other ones at Lowes so they match the other blue ones because Walmarts didn't quite match either.
So since June there has been a few changes. Jason no longes works at Home Depot. He now works at LeGrand Johnson as their Cost Account. It has been a great blessing for us for him to be able to get such a great job. He's going into accounting so its been really nice that he has been able to find a job in his field before he even has graduated. What a great start! I no longer work at Walmart anymore. I now work at Perry, Malmberg & Perry as a Legal Assistant. What a great job. I work set hours Monday - Friday. No more weekends for me. Which is another great thing about Jason new job because he works the same shift that I do, so I now get to see him every day. The best part about our same schedule is I no longer go to church alone. :)
So come December 13th Jason and I will have been together for 5 years and two years ago was when he proposed. I can't believe how much time flies.
Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures up loaded soon, I left my camera in my sisters car and that I will do a little more updated more often so it's not so spaced out and I don't remember things that are going on.

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