Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sunblock...What's that!

So on Thursday the 19 Jason and I went skiing at the Beav. It was a lot of fun. Jason taught me how to parallel. It was really fun. I still have a lot of improving to do, but i'm getting better. Jason is a good Teacher. He has been skiing since he was two, so I feel safe with letting him teach me. :) Jason and I also ended up getting sunburned because it was such a nice and warm day. When we left it was 50 degrees. But as you can see Jason had a hat and sunglasses on and I did not. So I got sunburn worse than he did. I posted a picture of what I looked like the next day below. Really Embrassing. So enjoy!
Jason not telling the truth about him falling. Wish I would have gotten it on camera!

Look at how good I am getting.

Brace yourself for a good Laugh! This is what I looked like when I woke up Friday morning. My poor face and eyes. I laid in bed pretty much all day with a wet cloth on my face.